Amex Insiders are fashion fairy Godmothers, and ummm Godfathers

Anywhere you looked at Somerset House, you were bound to see
stylishly dressed individuals, but there were a certain set that seemed
meticulously groomed and all shared the same uniform-a dashing cape from Christopher Raeburn. I’ve
already introduced you to the Amex Insiders and told you they were out there to
help you through the difficult times at fashion week – the times you forgot
tickets, didn’t know where shows were, needed sustenance or simply needed an
umbrella to get from point a to point b.

The Amex Insiders certainly came to my rescue mid-way through the
week. On day three, I had literally not eaten since the morning before and had just
finished pulling an all nighter to get all my coverage up on FFG on time. The
things I do for you guys, honestly. Kidding, kidding, you know I love it.

Anyway, the insiders felt my pain. Ok, they didn’t feel it – I told
them. They got to work and had a reservation for me around the corner at the Delauney
between two shows. A place notoriously difficult for getting a reservation for
breakfast, this seemed easier for them than it is for most to pick up an egg
McMuffin. The restaurant even knew I was on a time schedule and said they would
do what they could to expedite things. To top it all off, the Amex Insiders had
snuck in and had a blue rose delivered to the table. Cheeky little monkeys! I
was in and out in 35 minutes and ready to hit the next show with a full tummy
and lots of caffeine working overtime.

This was certainly not the only time I used the Amex Insiders over
the course of the week. Day two, I was using them continuously to get around
Somerset house as I had, rather stupidly, left my umbrella at home. Had it not
been for the Amex Insiders, I would have looked like a drowned rat by 9:30am.
Not a good look, especially as my Hershesons hair peeps had been working so
hard on wicked hair styles all week. Day three I arrive on the scene to meet
someone in the London Fashion Week exhibitions. I had no clue where I was going
and looked it. An Amex Insider stopped me and asked if I needed directions. I
told her the designer I was looking for and she said it was a little
complicated to get there so offered to take me there personally. Score. I was
five minutes early to the meeting.

Bottom line, American Express have provided yet another service to
London Fashion Week that is truly invaluable. If you use these guys correctly,
the Amex Insiders can truly make your life a heck of a lot easier when all is
said and done. 

We’re thinking next season we may push them to the limits and see
just how far they’re willing to go to provide. What do you think? What would
you ask?


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