FFG’s Daily Fashion Blog Recommendation:Lira Leirner’s The Portmanteau

There are thousands of women out there writing about fashion and I have met so many in person over the past year and instantly fallen head over heels in love with them and their shared passion for all things stylish. My latest style guru crush is Lira Leirner.  Lira is actually a designer.  She is responsible for some fantastic original designs and I highly suggest checking out her site and getting in the queue for a personal dress fitting. You may remember I did a review of her dresses a while ago. But this is not a designer recommendation post…it’s a blogger post!  And this is where it all comes together….Lira has started a blog called The Portmanteau.  

Lira says the following about herself:

Hi. I’m Lira Leirner. I’m a fashion designer, but I’m also a writer. The creative processes of fashion (Portmanteau alert: creative + creating= creatingve?) interest me as much as the moral and sociological implications of white collar crime. I am a deeply countryside and nature loving person but am also in need of living in a crazy city such as London. I am Brazilian, German, French, Swiss, English, Polish, Rumanian, Iranian on different levels, ranging from roots to affinity of living to official passport status. There’s a little boy called Ciello that provides the male perspective within me to join the feminine expression. I am incredibly uptight about the rules of grammar yet love to play with language itself. My first languages are English, German, and Portuguese. I’m neither this nor that but I’m this and that. In fact, I’m just me.

This is a brand new blog and so I am getting in there early for you guys on the “ones to watch” list.  You get to follow this one from the very start and say I was there when it first started…

If you’d like to see your blog featured please click here to read all the nitty gritty details.


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